android RxJava - SyncOnSubscribe and fromCallable RxJava is impressive, but it's a fairly overwhelming framework so I want to share some of the lesser known parts. Note: Code examples will be in Kotlin. Backpressure Simply; "backpressure" is
java GSON Empty Json Object to null. Sometimes that API you are given just doesn't conform to what you are expecting. I have had to consume a JSON API recently where the JSON returned "{}" instead of null or
android Calligraphy 2.0.0 It's been a long time coming but version 2.0 is here. After talking with some friends, I used to work with. Calligraphy was born on the 20th of December, . "Gosh darn,
android Gradle & Robolectric & Jacoco & Dagger As a few have, I stumbled into this $$ jacoco bug. To be fair this is not so much a GradlePlugin bug as more Jacoco/Dagger. Semantics aside, we wanted to know about our
gradle Gradlew Pro Tip Fed up of typing ./gradlew tasks, same. Add the following to your rc file: alias = "./gradlew" I use zshell nano ~./zshrc. But you can add this to bashrc or other derivitives.
android Android Looper oddness Good Android development, heck good development, requires none ui blocking interactions. As part of that (I can’t take credit, I think Dorian Cussen came up with the original idea) I have a